About Wedco

WEDCO is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) regional economic development corporation founded in 1993 for the sole purpose of promoting economic growth in the Eastern Lakes Region. Our primary purpose is to create jobs for area residents by assisting established or developing businesses in their endeavor to be successful. Our consultation assistance is available at no cost. Strict confidentiality of client information is maintained.  The Eastern Lakes Region is WEDCO’s service area. It is in a unique position in that it includes the northern Strafford and southern Carroll County areas. We are located along the eastern shores of Lake Winnipesaukee in the town of Wolfeboro.

The valuable potential of the Eastern Lakes Region has been overlooked. The founders of WEDCO believe we must plan now to attract the proper mix of business and industry to our area or we run the risk of having a very fragile, variable economy.

One element of growth will continue to come from established businesses in our towns. WEDCO must encourage and assist existing local business by providing sources of capital, experienced advice, and a receptive business climate.

A second, equally important element of growth will be derived from WEDCO’s concerted effort to attract new businesses to the area. Our focus will be on companies that will provide people with the opportunity to compete for well paying, skilled, long-term jobs. More jobs that pay higher wages will lead to more spending in the area. We must, however, ensure that businesses will use and enhance our natural gifts without degrading them. New businesses locating in the area can look to WEDCO for capital, for advice based upon local experience, and a receptive attitude.

By accomplishing these objectives, we will create more jobs and higher wages while protecting the intrinsic benefits of the area.

WEDCO -- we're here to help.


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